Joe Felice understands resistance to change

Yet he volunteered to champion the design and publication of the Entrepreneurial Spirit Program concept; the radical idea of applying the traditional apprenticeship model to the development and support of youth entrepreneurs.

Joe speaks about the benefits of a formal apprenticeship for aspiring entrepreneurs

Joe gets sponsors and providers of youth entrepreneurship programs thinking about the full-life health and well-being of youth and the community. He starts the conversation then explains how to create a formal apprenticeship for aspiring entrepreneurs.

Let’s pave the way for a new era of youth entrepreneurship programs

Embarking on the journey to build a formal apprenticeship program for aspiring entrepreneurs requires a huge shift in conventional thinking. The concept allows the apprentice to be the employer and the employee.

The ESP concept sets a new standard for youth entrepreneurship programs

The ESP vision and mission disrupts the status quo. By extending the line of sight used to define youth, from 18-29 to a full-life journey, program success is measured by the long-lasting benefits achieved for both the individual and the community.

Inquire About Scheduling a Web Conference with Joe

The Entrepreneurial Spirit Program concept applies the model used for skilled-trade apprenticeships to youth entrepreneurs. While it is a unique application – the apprentice is the employer and the employee – all of the benefits carry-over.